Saturday, December 13, 2008

B-Day +1!

Timmy has arrived!



More to come!

- Patrick

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

D-Day +6: Thirteen Things you shouldn't say to (or in front of) your pregnant wife

This is by no means earth-shattering info to most guys, I'm sure. But through absent-mindedness or sheer stupidity, I've said these things throughout JoAnna's pregnancy without truly thinking it through beforehand:

1. "I have a headache."
2. "I'm tired."
3. "I didn't sleep very well last night."
4. "My stomach hurts."
5. "My feet hurt."
6. "This paper cut is killing me!"
7. "I'm hungry."
8. "I'm putting my shoes on." (Yes, seems innocuous - but think about it)
9. "What's taking so long?"
10. "Look at that Buddha belly!" (well-intentioned, but still dumb as hell)
11. "Man, this beer tastes good."
12. "Man, I feel great!"
13. "Jeez, who farted!?" (pretty stupid to say at any life stage, but quadrupled now)

I can feel you all judging me right now. It's warranted.

Carrying on...

- Patrick

Thursday, December 4, 2008

D-Day +1: The Ongoing Saga

As much as JoAnna & I know that it's entirely normal to go past your due date, that it's possible to even go as long as 2 weeks past it, that we shouldn't be impatient or anxious, blah blah blah - it's kind of tough to not be a little bummed out about not having the boy yet.

We've found that we have a very tough time with patience in general, particularly when it comes to having good news. As soon as we knew that JoAnna was pregnant (at about 7 weeks pregnant), we were practically falling all over ourselves to refrain from telling the whole world. Call us silly or immature. But we just can't contain our excitement.

The same applies now. When we entered the 2-week period before the due date, we had it in our heads that "it can happen any day now!" As a result, we subconsciously put our lives on hold. We didn't really commit to much beyond eating, going to work and sleeping. Of course, this was ridiculous, and resulted in some extremely lame evenings.

The low point was the Friday night after Thanksgiving. In the past, this was a night we'd be out with friends having drinks, maybe going to a movie, anything. You know, having FUN. Instead, at 10pm we found ourselves sitting on the couch having just watched John & Kate +8 on TLC, and getting geared up to watch What Not to Wear. EXCITING, right? It was at this point that I put my lame glass of lame water down on the coffee table, stood up and and proclaimed:

"This fucking sucks."

Yes, we'd offically achieved loser status, and I was immature enough to state it.

Since that point we've realized that we simply need to continue living our lives. In other words, we should still "do stuff." If for any reason, to try to distract ourselves from what's on our minds constantly. Case in point, we put up our Christmas tree last night - 'cause let's be honest, that wasn't going to happen if we waited until after Timmy's arrival.

As far as tonight's concerned...hmm, is there an "Idiot's Guide to Filling Time as you Wait for your Stubborn Baby?"

- Patrick