Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Blog Christening

Hello all -

This is the first blog of many more to come. This site will be devoted to documenting everything Timmy French - from birth to first dirty diaper, first crawl, first words, first steps, etc. You see where this is going.


My lovely wife JoAnna is due any day now. The official due date is 12/3/08, but we're in the "at any moment" window that will last until 12/17. Hopefully it doesn't take that long - mostly for JoAnna's sake. :) We're calling this period of time "DEFCON Timmy."

We're both trying very hard to temper our excitement at the moment, because we simply can't wait to meet our little guy. For those of you who don't see or hear from us that often, here are the known vitals:

Sex: Male
Name: James Timothy French
Hobbies: Thumb-sucking, kicking, pressing on JoAnna's bladder
Favorite NFL Team: Cleveland Browns
Favorite MLB Team: Cleveland Indians
Favorite NBA Team: Cleveland Cavaliers
Favorite NHL Team: Who cares

We're going to find everything else out soon. But I'm pretty sure he's either going to be a rocket scientist or superhero. Those are the only two realistic options I can think of. By the way, here's what his room looks like.

We'll of course be sending emails and texts when Timmy's born, but please consider this blog the go-to spot for updates on our boy wonder. We welcome your notes and comments!

- Patrick


Raero said...


Maria Ciampa said...

Woooooooo French!

Anonymous said...

That's a great color for the bedroom, good work.